Coming Up Next Episode

Countdown to release next episode


I will never forget just a couple of months ago when I was lying on the beach in Bali and I was listening oceanic dreams 20 to 24, from evening to the late night and I was dreaming… thank you pal 🙏


Beautiful start and smooth cruise towards the way…still listening…thanks for the new year’s gift 👍 (Deep Dreams 10)

Hooman AttarVia Telegram

Cuando escucho un tema de tu episodio…
Mi corazón ya sabe el tema siguiente que quiere
Y tu pones esa canción
Le das a la persona que la escucha lo que necesita para viajar
When I hear a song from your episode …
My heart already knows the next topic it wants
And you play that song
You give the listener what they need to travel


I like episode 34 the melody transports you to the ocean with beats it sounds like the ocean waves very soothing and relaxing song 🤗❤🎶 (Oceanic Dreams 34)

silvialvlorenaInstagram DM

More oceanic dreams, more reasons to live


Adoro está música
Tienes todo el talento y el don para esto
Llevas la la elegiría atraves de tu música para el cuerpo y el espíritu
I love this music
You have all the talent and the gift for this
You carry the I would choose through your music for the body and the spirit

NormaWebsite Comment

I cant find the proper word to describe the feeling that these podcasts give me..thank u🖤

Fatima.nfrWebsite Comment

خواستم بدونی که افرادی مثل من زیاد هست که کار هاتو سخت دنبال میکنند این افراد شاید مثل خیلی ها که شرطی شدن و بی برنامه محتوای رادیو جوان رو دان میکنند نیستند امثال من و پنج شش نفر دیگه کارهات رو با دقت گوش میدیم من شخصا اوشیانیک دریم رو تو تاریکی مطلق شب گوش میدم تا ریلکس کنم یا دیپ رو صبح ها


Hi brother thank you for all your beautiful song
Never interrupt your work I’m always waiting for your new songs
Have a nice day

BehnamVia Email

>>>>PLAY in HIGHWAY === when you are HIGH ^^^

Farid Jr SalariRadioJavan

I love the DreamLab projects
from many years ago
and you are always making me feel good.
Thank you

itsalirez_aInstagram DM

Send your comments and feedbacks…

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